Reconciling Access to Traditional and Other Forms of Healthcare for Indigenous 2S/GBQ People: Results from Sex Now 2018
Harlan Pruden, Ryan Stillwagon
In an era of Truth and Reconciliation, there is a collective responsibility to centre
Indigenous peoples in health research, however there is little research examining
healthcare access for Indigenous Two-Spirit and gay, bisexual, queer (2S/GBQ)
men in Canada. We used a two-eyed seeing approach to descriptively analyze the
2018 Sex Now survey of 2S/GBQ Canadian men, examining access to both traditional
and western forms of healthcare and healing. Led by a Two-Spirit Dry Lab
of Indigenous and non-Indigenous epidemiologists, researchers, and community
activists, these results describe key points of access to healthcare services and
existing gaps for Indigenous 2S/GBQ people in Canada.
BC CDC Presenters
10/22/2019 7:20:00 PM
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