Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on marginalized people: The ‘Accelerating SARS-CoV-2 SEroprevalence SurveyS Through Dried Blood Spots’ (ASSESS-DBS) Study
Sero-prevalence studies of people who are street entrenched, in prison, or live in remote or rural communities are challenging. We have experienced in the last couple of months that Point-of-care tests (PoCT) that use blood collected through finger prick (like a glucose test) seem to offer a solution to these challenges, but these tests lack specificity and therefore can’t provide the most accurate picture. On the other hand, Chemiluminescence Enzyme Immuno Assays that use blood drawn from veins have better performance, but with people who are not able to access care, or who have difficulties with venous access, these are not a viable option other. Dried Blood Spot testing may provide an effective solution to mitigate these problems. Dr. Sofia Bartlett is a Postdoctoral Fellow at the BCCDC & UBC with a background in infectious disease epidemiology, viral evolution, and molecular diagnostics. Her program of research seeks to address gaps in knowledge around infectious diseases, such as viral hepatitis, HIV, and COVID-19, that have the potential to inform public health policy and health programming, while also advancing the rights and the health of marginalized people. Dr. Muhammad Morshed is a Clinical Microbiologist and the Program Head for the Zoonotic Diseases and Emerging Pathogens and Parasitology Sections at BCCDC Public Health Laboratory. He is leading the COVID-19 serology validation project. His lab specializes in handling specialized serology of unusual pathogens.
BC CDC Presenters
7/21/2020 6:00:00 PM

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