Monkeypox Response in BC
Summary: In 2022, a global outbreak of monkeypox occurred outside of endemic regions, including BC. The monkeypox outbreak will be discussed, with emphasis on the BC public health and laboratory response, unique clinical findings, and patient management strategies. Presenters: Dr. Mayank Singal is the physician lead for enteric, vector-borne, and zoonotic diseases at the BCCDC. He is the medical epidemiologist lead for investigation of Monkeypox outbreak. In the past, he has led numerous local and provincial outbreak investigations as well as the development of guidelines for control and prevention of communicable diseases, including rabies and COVID-19. Dr. Mark Hull is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine at the University of British Columbia and Infectious Diseases consultant at St Paul’s Hospital. He provides HIV and HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis services in a number of community clinics in Vancouver, with a focus on gbMSM populations. His research focuses on evaluating HIV outcomes, uptake of PrEP and prevention of other sexually transmitted infections amongst gbMSM. Dr. Agatha Jassem is a Clinical Microbiologist and the Program Head of the Virology Lab at the BC Centre for Disease Control Public Health Laboratory. She is also a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine at the University of British Columbia. Dr. Jassem oversees diagnostic testing and her research focuses on evaluating new strategies for detecting and charactering viruses and viral exposures.
BC CDC Presenters
10/11/2022 7:00:00 PM

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