Role of Cellular Autophagy ("Self-eating") in the Activity and Therapeutic Efficacy of Novel Site-Specific Immunomodulators
Chronic immune activation is etiologically-linked to the pathology of inflammatory bowel disorders, certain cancers, and persisting infections (eg. HIV). Recently, microbe-derived Site-Specific Immunomodulators (SSIs; Qu Biologics) have been described to repurpose the immune response, and to exert therapeutic effects at specific sites of pathology. Such therapeutic effects have been observed in animal models and patients with ulcerative colitis and lung cancer for eg. The mechanism for these effects and their organ/site-specific nature are poorly understood. Our results suggest that SSIs may act through the cellular autophagy pathway, a critical immune defense and inflammatory regulator. TEAM: Martin Kwok, Shirin Kalyan, Mark Bazett, Ezra Kwok, Vikramaditya G. Yadav, Marko Kryworuchko
10/18/2021 3:40:00 PM

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