Collaborative Data Governance to Support First Nations-led Overdose Surveilance and Data Analysis in BC
Soha Sabeti, Chloé Xavier
First Nations in BC have been disproportionately affected by the overdose
crisis. In response to the Public Health Emergency, surveillance systems were
established to identify trends in overdose. Existing systems contained minimal
information on overdose among First Nations. Data linkage, sharing, and analysis
processes that adhered to the principles of OCAP and TRC’s Calls to Action
required development. In response to this need, the First Nations Health Authority,
BCCDC, Provincial Health Officer, and MoH worked collaboratively to
create new data linkage processes to identify First Nations persons in overdose
data. This presentation will outline the data governance context, principles, and
operational considerations of creating overdose surveillance systems for First
Nations people in BC.
BC CDC Presenters
10/24/2019 6:20:00 PM
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