Suzana Montoya - Whole genome investigation of reassortant A(H3N2) viruses contributing to the 2022/23 season
In addition to evolution and immune evasion through mutation of their hemagglutinin, influenza viruses change through reassortment of their surface and internal protein gene segments. During the 2022-23 season, the Canadian Sentinel Practitioner Surveillance Network (SPSN) undertook for the first time whole genome sequencing (WGS) of H3N2 viruses contributing to vaccine effectiveness analysis. Multiple reassortment constellations were identified, involving inter-clade exchange of neuraminidase and other gene segments. The role of WGS to inform the extent of seasonal influenza virus reassortment and impacts on clinical, epidemiological and public health outcomes requires further evaluation.
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10/12/2023 7:50:00 PM

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