Shabnam Fani - Trends in syphilis testing in B.C. from 2005-2022
In 2019, the Provincial Health Officer declared an expansion of the ongoing outbreak of syphilis in BC to include perinatal populations due to increasing syphilis cases in females and the first congenital syphilis cases since 2013. The syphilis outbreak in BC has since grown even larger, with the majority of cases now reported among people only reporting sexual partners of the opposite sex. New testing strategies have been recommended in BC in response to this. To identify if testing strategies are reaching the intended populations, we have investigated syphilis testing rates in BC from 2005 to 2022. Testing rates stratified by subpopulation (e.g., age, gender, geography) were reviewed, and generalized linear models (GLMs) used to quantify changes in syphilis testing rates for subpopulations over time.
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10/10/2023 6:05:00 PM

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