CANCOVID-Preg: Canadian COVID-19 in Pregnancy Surveillance - Epidemiology, Maternal and Infant Outcomes - June 16, 2020
Summary: This talk will describe the establishment of CANCOVID-Preg, present some preliminary data from BC and Ontario as well as describe some planned sub-studies. In addition, opportunity for antenatal serosurveillance to study seroprevalance of COVID-19 in the Canadian population will be discussed. Presenter: Dr. Deborah Money is a Reproductive Infectious Diseases (RID) Clinician/Scientist who runs a RID research program studying the HPV vaccine, perinatal outcomes in women living with HIV and congenital infections. Currently, she is the lead, with UBC/WHRI as the coordinating centre, of the pan-Canadian surveillance study of the impact of COVID-19 in pregnancy and for the infants and is part of a WHO working group on COVID in pregnancy. She is also a member of the Federal Task Force on Immunity. ​
BC CDC Presenters
6/16/2020 7:00:00 PM

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