Angel Yao - Evaluation of Microscopy and Sequencing Methods for Dermacentor Tick Species Identification in B.C.
Dermacentor ticks represent one of the most commonly identified tick genus in British Columbia. Accurate tick identification provides key insight into the distribution of species, and the potential for transmission and human infection. Routine laboratory identification currently consists of microscopy followed by polymerase chain reaction testing for all species except D. andersoni as it is not a recognized vector of Lyme disease. Molecular testing may provide added value for ticks of challenging morphology, and those with evolving epidemiology including species that may resemble D. andersoni, including D. variabilis and D. similis. This study aimed to validate species-level identification on a subset of microscopically identified Dermacentor ticks through whole genome sequencing and COI gene barcoding, with goals to expand to other major tick species in the future.
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10/12/2023 5:05:00 PM
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