Chronic Disease Surveillance at BCCDC
The goal of the presentation is to provide an overview of available information and tools as well as to highlight key projects completed or under way. Dr. Kate Smolina will introduce current resources available both publically and internally on data and statistics relating to chronic disease in BC, including Chronic Disease Dashboard, Cancer Dashboard, and a new CCHS Dashboard. Dr. Kate Smolina is the director of the BC Observatory for Population & Public Health, a partnership between the BC Ministry of Health and all BC health authorities to advance non-communicable disease, injury, and risk and protective factor surveillance in BC. Dr. Smolina holds a BSc in Bio-Medical Science from the University of Guelph and a DPhil in Public Health from the University of Oxford. Her professional career has been largely focused on chronic disease surveillance, linked administrate data, and health policy. 2. Dr. Drona Rasali: Indicators of Multimorbidity for Chronic Disease Surveillance Multimorbidity is becoming increasingly a key public health and primary care issue and is a complex underlying risk factor for COVID-19 case severity. A BCCDC team conducted a scoping review of the chronic disease multimorbidities for exploring the development of a multimorbidity indicator. I present briefly the development of an indicator comprising two or more conditions out of BC Chronic Disease Registries (CDR) is now being made available for surveillance through BCCDC Chronic Disease Dashboard. Dr. Drona Rasali, is the Director of Population Health Surveillance and Epidemiology working in the area Population and Public Health at BCCDC, PHSA since 2012. Prior to joining the PHSA, Dr. Rasali was the Provincial Chronic Disease Epidemiologist in the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health from 2005 to 2012. He holds a designation of a Fellow of American College of Epidemiology (FACE) and is an adjunct professor at the UBC School of Population and Public Health. He earned his Doctorate degree from the University of Manitoba, specializing in quantitative genetic analyses using animal models and epidemiologic analyses. He has more than 150 peer reviewed journal papers, government reports and technical reports to his credits in wide ranging fields including chronic disease epidemiology, public health, population genetics, veterinary medicine, agriculture, food, social justice, and general interest.
BC CDC Presenters
3/9/2021 8:00:00 PM

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